How to make a

citronella candle


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Learn how to make citronella candles and repel mosquitoes in a natural way. These DIY candles, made in mini metal buckets, are super cute, they smell fantastic, and they’re SO EASY to make!

Here's what  you'll need:

- Small metal bucket - Wick sticker - Thick wick - Soy wax - Citronella essential oil - Saucepans - Kitchen scale - Long handled spoon - Candy or deep fry thermometer - Wick holder

Lined Circle
Lined Circle
Lined Circle
Lined Circle
Lined Circle

Learn how to make citronella candles! Repel mosquitoes with these outdoorsy DIY candles. It's such a fun and easy summer craft project!

Want to give this craft a try? Click the link for the full instructions and some helpful tips!